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Astro-Energy Forecast for May 2020

Astro-Energy Forecast for May 2020

So… 2020’s been weird. This whole year is just a wild card. With so much uncertainty, it’s difficult to anticipate anything, so here is a very general astrology energy forecast for May 2020. No one knows what’s around the corner, and we find...
Astro-Energy Forecast for April 2020

Astro-Energy Forecast for April 2020

We’ve survived March, somehow. The world is still and quiet, with most of us hiding, isolating and relearning how to live and cope in these strange times. Others, our heroes, risk their lives and the lives of their loved ones to help our society survive; tending...
Astro-Energy Forecast for February 2020

Astro-Energy Forecast for February 2020

The month of January felt like an entire year in itself. Having started the year with some of the rarest cosmic alignments, it’s clear that 2020 will be a deeply transformative year. Read up on February’s cosmic occurrences below! Key Dates in February: The 9th...
Astro-Energy Forecast for January 2020

Astro-Energy Forecast for January 2020

As we close the chapter of 2019, we welcome the new year with open arms. Over the holiday season, the sun moved out of Sagittarius into Capricorn, helping us ready ourselves for 2020 and the upcoming year ahead. 2020 starts with a bang thanks to an eclipse in January,...
Astro-Energy Forecast for 2020

Astro-Energy Forecast for 2020

Boom! A new year has begun! All of the lessons we’ve been fumbling through for the past few years put to the test as 2020 ushers in big, bold energy to help us concretise our learning and growing.  As the saying goes, “As above, so below.” We look to the stars...
Astro-Energy Forecast for May 2020

Astro-Energy Forecast for December 2019

December is off to a fiery start! With the sun moving into Sagittarius in late November, the heavy, intense energy of Scorpio has finally lifted, making way for the fun-loving feels of Sagittarius season.  Before the festivities of the holidays can commence, we...

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